This is an early release version of the GLACIS platform. While mostly stable and ready to be used by a wider audience, it is certainly still a bit rough around the edges and many components remain in active development.

For feature suggestions, feedback, problem reports and moral support, please write to


1.5.1, released 2025-01-22

  • πŸ“Έ Uploaded photos and other attachments can now be deleted, or moved to other locations if uploaded to the wrong location.
  • πŸ“‘ Photos and assessments are now on different tabs
  • πŸ›— Public facing front page now has a list of all companies with operating permits (shuffled every minute to guarantee fairness).
  • πŸ“‹ Assessment forms now show location names
  • βš™οΈ All development libraries upgraded to latest versions (fixes potential security issues)
  • πŸ› οΈ many smaller UI tweaks and improvements

1.5.0, released 2024-12-24 πŸŽ…

  • 🌀️ Location specific weather forecast provided by Belgingur. Point weather forecasts are currently checked twice daily, at 4:00 and 16:00. Historical weather data of the last 48 hours coming soon!
  • πŸš€ Better safeguards to prevent automatic assessment updates from overriding more recent information.

1.4.1, released 2024-12-17

  • πŸ”“ New users are now added with a pending status, and require authorization before having full access.
  • πŸ“± Some minor usability tweaks for mobile phone users
  • 🌀️ Background preparations for a big update coming soon!
  • πŸ”Ž Audit and upgrades of all used packages
  • πŸ“‹ Release notes now list used open source packages

1.4.0, released 2024-12-08

  • πŸ“š New Library section for relevant documents (VAKINN standards, meeting notes, etc). Not too many items in there currently, but set up to be expanded easily.
  • πŸ—Ί More sensible default zoom level for the detail map.

1.3.2, released 2024-12-05

  • 🧭 Location coordinates are now displayed above the map and can be easily copy/pasted.
  • βš™οΈ You can choose your preferred location format (DMS, DDM, or DD) in your [profile][/u].
  • πŸ” Fixed a problem with passwords sometimes not updating correctly. This means you may need to log in once more via the magic email link and reset your password. Sorry!

1.3.1, released 2024-11-30

  • πŸ› οΈ Ironing out a few minor glitches.

1.3.0, released 2024-11-29

  • πŸŽ‚ It is time to shed the "beta" - there may still be some hiccups but things will start to smooth over now.
  • πŸš€ Assessments made by users from the Assessment Group (or FagrÑð) now automatically update the overall status of ice caves.
  • ⚠️ Locations that have not received assessments for a substantial time can be automatically flagged, to warn that going there may require guides who are qualified to re-assess the location on the spot.
  • πŸ—ΊοΈ Additional map elements (GPX tracks, etc.) no longer flicker annoyingly when moving / zooming.
  • ✏️ Map annotations! It is now possible to mark out specific places in any particular area. In this first iteration, those places are shared between all map views of a certain region, but the next step will be to extended this to individual locations.

1.2.1, released 2024-11-24

  • πŸ“† You can now backdate assessments by up to 7 days, for those circumstances where you weren't able to put the information into the system immediately.
  • πŸ“· Uploaded images can now be viewed with a lightbox interface, zoomed in, and observation date is displayed in a convenient format.
  • πŸš€ The public facing website is now operating on release builds, which are significantly faster than the system used for development.

1.2.0 (beta), released 2024-11-24

  • login now possible with email & password
  • simple "user profile" page for changing email & passwords
  • uploading of PDF documents and GPX tracks to locations, become automatically available for download
  • detail maps will show that uploaded GPX data too.

1.1.1 (beta), released 2024-11-17

  • fixed an edge case where certain database lookups would return empty results

1.1.0 (beta), released 2024-11-16

(some features were already included in an intermediate update as a quick fix)

  • assessments form reorganised, group ratio and guide rating information added
  • better map display, now including other locations in the area for local reference
  • Dashboard to show assessments timeline, and possibly other stuff in the future
  • Uploaded photos are now automatically inserted by capture date (can be uploaded in any order)
  • Time display fixed (should now be 24h times everywhere)

1.0.4 (beta), released 2024-11-09

  • One-time Privacy policy and popup dialog to stress expert use only.
  • Photo uploads! Warning: currently no support for editing or deleting photos, so please use with care. Misuse WILL get you permanently banned.
  • Release notes now available.

1.0.3 (beta), released 2024-11-04

GLACIS is online! Minimum functionality is implemented and ready to be test driven.

1.0.2 and earlier (alpha)

Older version were internal only and do not have specific release notes.

Open Source Packages

This system is built upon the following open source packages: